Here's a quick dump of various things that have been done I guess 'somewhat recently'
RatGuy! Started out as an after work Friday doodle, did a bit more on occasions, would like to make a character out of it, preferably something simple so I can focus on the body/skin. :)
Combat Platypus, yes you heard me.
A Stylized bust i did after work once, quick polypaint and bake down, meh
character i'd like to finish but hhmmmm
A sketch one night of Rachel Posner from House of Cards, great show! :D
A Bust for a Character I would like to finish but HHHNNNNNGHH
Dangerous Dave, he sells bootleg VHS tapes out the back of his Van
There's also my Dota 2 Courier, Coco, which made it into the store :D
A dirty Dynamesh Hair Study of Coils n' Shit
A Character for an Ex-Co-Worker's (is that a thing?) Phone game, cancelled unfortunately
My take on MoP's Goblin SDK! :D (maybe I should do this again)