Friday, 30 October 2015

Inktober 15

Inktober Venom snake..with a twist.
I played around with depthy on this sketch for fun as I'm a huge fan of the loose, sketchy animatics of MGS:portable ops. (Caaaalling to the Niiiiight).
One day, when I have overcome my crippling addiction to being incompetent I wanna make my own animatic short story. :) Until then, have a wobbly head.

Also, I'm aware many of the images on this blog arent loading anymore, this is because Cubeupload has gone tits up lately, im going to try and reupload everything this weekend, and just use the blog itself for uploading


wow, blogspot videos dont come out well, anyway here's a flat image then:

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Inktober 14

'Ornate Hawk Eagle' Inktober study. :)
..I love birds. If I were a birdwatcher, I'd watch the SHIT out of them.
Looking at this i probably should have tried something cleaner and more contrasty, bleh..

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Inktober 13

Inktober Dwarf!
probably faffed about too much with this one afterwards. I always feel like things go downhill as soon as i go into ink :/ Oh well.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Inktober 12..whatever

A few random techy bits and bobs tonight for inktober. These were quite relaxing. :)
Curse my shaky wrist though.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Inktober 9/10/11

A few inktober doodles tonight (the face is quite off and i should have spent more time figuring out that pose but hey ho, moving on) :)

Friday, 23 October 2015

Inktober 8

A quick and rather messy gun doodle tonight for inktober
Guns are kind of relaxing though.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Inktober 6/7

A couple inktober sketches today... I did another that I tried to plan out well but just ended up horrible. I should just do some loose ones and not worry so much about sucking, heh.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Inktober 5

Inktober Pumpkin guy..thing.. :D
Sort of just gave up with the background, lol.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Inktober 4

Inktober sketch tonight, still noticing perspective and proportion issues way too late, should focus on simpler things, ah well..

might have a bunch more this finished this creatures! and a pumpkin dude :P
I'll also do some looser stuff which will probably be horrible but lets see, heh. I'm learning a lot about process with this stuff...

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Inktober 3

Another Inktober sketch tonight (although im not doing any better to catch up lol.. screwed up the position of the bird head but whatever its a bird it's got places to be, let it spread it's wings JEEZ.
ok that's enough terrible 2am humor.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Inktober 2

 Got a marker today, never really drawn with one, will take some getting used to but im having fun! Another Inktober sketch to catch up! (I might cheat and say the ones before counted as 4, lol)

Friday, 9 October 2015

CockKnocker Goblin

Little goblin guy I blocked out a while ago, started building up some forms tonight.
I'll update again on this soon.

Also, I'm going to try and catch up on Inktober and use this as an opportunity to improve on some traditional sketching, which im trying to do more regularly now. DONT JUDGE ME! D: