Friday, 12 December 2014

Tonight's sculpt, wanted to do more than a bust this time, still lacking in asymmetry and medium scale details, I seem to be avoiding it entirely so i can get in and detail shit up, I think i'll do some simpler things later so i focus more on gestures. :)

Overall though, quite happy with this, the ears are stupidly large and in a weird place, i wish i fixed that but oh well.

Also may as well dump this here, i didn't get all that far with the Trader as you can see, but I'll be changing him to a turtle (and much of the design will obviously be changed to fit) when I get back onto it. So here is the last pic i took of it quite a while back for, I dunno, 'logging purposes'

Sleep time!

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Missed a day from being ill and shit, NoOooOOooO. Will have to catch up with an extra one, but here is tonights. Really didnt have a lot of time with this as i got home quite late, but I quite like it, obviously some inspiration (ok, a lot) from the Monkey king. :)

Didn't get around to polishing the hair much, again this looks like another thing i might want to come back to at a later date... and maybe that's the good thing about doing these quick sculpts... will have to see, as usual there's a hundred and one things I'd like to do but i lose energy so quickly.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Tonights sculpt,

Didnt really have the time to sculpt some hair (would have prefered to do something a bit more stylized but just threw in some fibermesh, ah well)

But I'm quite happy with it, again, i need to do more expressions and more assymetry, tonight i was lazier that normal due to a very distracting cold/flu :P

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Another Demony thing, not too happy with this one, couldve had some clearer forms, might clean it up a bit at a later date.

Note to self, more asymmetry.

More Creature work! Had more time on this one (although I did lose the first iteration from a zbrush crash, thanks Obama)

Going to try and do one a day for the next week. :) (Emphasis on 'try')

Friday, 5 December 2014


Been too long, should update more,

Speed sculpt (about an hour or so) of a demon thing tonight, may clean it up and do some more with it.

note to self, make more demons

Thursday, 16 October 2014

A sketch tonight of our old springer, Jack

Saturday, 4 October 2014


did a little tweak work on a head tonight from something I started a while back.

Started on the Trader high poly, something full worth showing soon ish maybe!? A small and silly shot of the head in the mean time :p

I think this guy will be super fun with fibermesh...or super terrifying. D:

Time for me to get shit done!

Monday, 15 September 2014

Pub Sloth

Weekend Sketch :)

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Quick Sketch tonight

Saturday, 9 August 2014

ALL the scarves

Another evening sculpt from a sphere (and a couple extracts again) :D

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Berd Breyns

Did some speed sculpting tonight with a few friends, got this guy blocked out from a sphere, might do something with it, fun fun. :)

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Trader of Tales take 2

Started this guy again, wanted to try something with a bit more style and attitude to it, with some harder shapes, I think im on the right track. :)

will finish this soon and start on a high poly I think. I already have a base for it and I can iterate faster in 3d.

Monday, 7 July 2014

Pandaren Trader of Tales and ...Scifi Girl?

Roughly sketched this a while back and cleaned it up recently. (image updated)

I really wanna finish it though and make a full character out of it, I had this idea of a wandering merchant who doesn't trade in coins but with stories, his trinkets and wares that he carries with him on his backpack would visually tell the stories of those he has traded with. Somewhat inspired by the mask salesman in Majora's Mask (One such item is a monkey mask!)

That and I like panda(ren)s :D

Hopefully posting this will encourage me to finish it

There's also this, but I dunno what to do with it, seems a bit bland no matter where I try to take it, ah well.

Suddenly Dragons. D:

Last Friday night I made a dragon bust! inspired by one of Laurel Austin's sketches but not exact, did a bit more over the weekend, it's a bit rough in some areas, may get around to cleaning it up and finishing it. :D

Hello World

I've always wanted a blog but never really thought I'd be able to update it as regularly as I'd like. That's about to change, I'm starting this not to get work out there but as a doodle dump for small pieces, work's in progress and various other shenanigans that i can be a bit more careless about, I'm hoping just by dumping shit over a timeline it will motivate me to do more! A portfolio is one thing (In my case it's nothing as it's been down for a bloody year) but Think this'll really give me the kick I need! :)

Here's a quick dump of various things that have been done I guess 'somewhat recently'

RatGuy! Started out as an after work Friday doodle, did a bit more on occasions, would like to make a character out of it, preferably something simple so I can focus on the body/skin. :)

Combat Platypus, yes you heard me.

A Stylized bust i did after work once, quick polypaint and bake down, meh

A Jacket Study I did late last year and occasionally fiddle with, another
character i'd like to finish but hhmmmm

A sketch one night of Rachel Posner from House of Cards, great show! :D

A Bust for a Character I would like to finish but HHHNNNNNGHH

Dangerous Dave, he sells bootleg VHS tapes out the back of his Van

There's also my Dota 2 Courier, Coco, which made it into the store :D

A dirty Dynamesh Hair Study of Coils n' Shit

A Character for an Ex-Co-Worker's (is that a thing?) Phone game, cancelled unfortunately

My take on MoP's Goblin SDK! :D (maybe I should do this again)